Gratitude By Sharon Fonseca

Here at GratitudeSpace, we strive to live each day as it were Thanksgiving.  This guest post is part of our #365Gratitude series.  For even though it was written in relation to the holiday, Sharon shares truth that you can apply daily.  Now take note if you choose to do so you will increase the joy in your life.  This will not only make you happier but will strengthen your relationship and better the world around you.  Sincerely, Chris

Gratitude By Sharon Fonseca

Turkey season is here! This is definitely one of my favorite times of the year, Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to share delicious food with loved ones, go shopping or just celebrate! What is better than that, right? However, I know sometimes we may forget about the real meaning of this holiday. This day is more than special for all the things I said before, but more important because we can dedicate a little time of our life to just be thankful. Cherishing moments we lived, people we met, things we eat, places we visited throughout the year is really an amazing feeling. Take a little time this day to just feel gratitude and how amazing and blessed you are to even been celebrating it! If you are spending it with your family or friends tell them you love them! And if you are spending it alone do the same, be thankful for the person you are and what you have achieved! I am grateful for being alive, for health and for all of us! I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend full of love and gratitude!

“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you” ~ Sarah Ban Breathnack


La temporada de pavo ha llegado! Definitivamente, esta es una de mis épocas favoritas del año. El día de acción de gracias nos da la oportunidad de compartir comidas deliciosas con nuestros seres queridos, ir de compras y celebrar! No hay nada mejor que eso! Sin embargo, yo se que a veces entre tantas cosas, se nos puede olvidar el verdadero significado de este día. Esta celebración es más que especial por todas las cosas que les mencione antes, pero aún más porque podemos dedicar un poco de tiempo de nuestras vidas a ser agradecidos. Apreciar momentos vividos, personas que conocimos, lugares que visitamos, en todo el ano, es realmente gratificante. Toma un poco de tiempo este día para simplemente sentirte agradecido y bendecido del simple hecho de poder celebrarlo! Si vas a estar con tu familia o amigos, diles cuanto los amas y aprecias! y si vas a estar solo, haz lo mismo, agradece por lo que eres y lo que haz logrado!

Yo estoy agradecida por la vida, la salud y por todos nosotros! Espero que tengan un feliz día de Acción de Gracias lleno de amor y gratitud!



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Reposted here with Permission by Sharon Fonseca