The most important relationship you will ever have in your life is with yourself and just like any relationship, it takes work. Loving who you are can be challenging, it’s an inside job.
How to feel beautiful and comfortable in your own skin:
? #celebrate and #honor your body every single day you wake up for all that it does to function without you even asking it to. Exercise daily, something is always better than nothing. Drink loads of water, give it the fuel it needs to run at its optimal state. It’s much easier to feel good about yourself when you make your needs a priority
? practice a healthy and positive mindset. I meditate daily to keep grounded, without inner peace authenticity is short-lived. I choose to perceive things in a positive light even though it may not be the exact outcome I’d hoped for.
? Practice a happy healthy spirit:
Nurture your spirit through things that “light you up” laughter with a good friend, a yoga class, walk on the beach, hiking, traveling, learning new things, meeting new people, being comfortable being alone. Knowing what you like creates a core foundation of stability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bottom line, beauty is self-created. Finding your authenticity, discovering who you are and being comfortable with yourself will help you feel your beauty. When you set out to be who you are and be true to that, you will automatically feel attractive and unique.
Despite your struggles, remember that you HAVE made accomplishments today! And for that y’all deserve a virtual high five?✋??
Stay strong my beautiful warriors??
Learn about the author HERE and follow her journey at Instagram – Originally posted at: HERE –
Check out the BOOK created by @tjscottpictures – PROCEEDS GO TO #breastcancerresearch, buy it on Amazon! #inthetubtuesday inspired by@ellenhollman #tbt
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