Laura Palmore – A Living Memorial
I miss my mom every day. Having stated that these post from loved ones on the one-year anniversary of her passing allow me to feel her presence. My mom is such a loving person and she left an imprint on this planet that is only being amplified louder daily. This is my mother seen through the eyes of those who loved her. Sincerely, Chris – 3/26/16
Our Last Day Together – One of the Best Days of my Life By Krystle Gossett
It started a week prior to our last day together.
My family and I were leaving to go to the Goetz Condo in Ft. Myers later Friday night and I got the text from Al to pray hard for you as you were being admitted into the hospital. I asked the Lord if I should come and it was so clear that I should. We decided I was going to surprise you at the hospital. Todd, the kids, and my parents would pick me up in Louisville late that night on their way to FL. The look on your face was priceless when I arrived at the hospital. Our tears of joy to see each other spoke a thousand words. You were so frustrated that Al let you take the meds to help you sleep (him knowing that I was coming). Everyone left the room to give the 2 of us some time to chat and out of nowhere you started feeling sick. We laughed hard after the fact, but the Lord as always knew the desires of your heart…you got sick and threw up the 3 little blue pills (sleeping meds) and said, “Well, what in the world…I don’t remember eating any blue M&M’s today?!” We laughed later too at that comment and soon you realized we would get to spend the next hour together after all instead of you sleeping 🙂 It was a very special hour. We talked about all types of things and before I left I hugged you so tight as I prayed for you! Before I left the hospital I told you I would see you in one week, but the next time would be at YOUR house! You were quite the woman of strength and with determination I knew you’d get back home!
I left for a week in Florida with my family and we stayed in close contact through text. Your family took such great care of you and one of your besties and sisters in Christ, Tonya, came to help take care of you too! Fast forward to Sunday when I came back to Louisville on our way home…. my family continued home, but I came to your house to spend the day with you at HOME! That day is a day I will NEVER forget and will forever cherish! We went on a walk (Jeannie, Al, you, and I) through your pretty neighborhood and as we pushed you in the wheelchair you looked like a diva wearing your sunglasses 🙂 Pretty as ever! What a blessing it was for me to FINALLY get to meet your sweet daughter, Jeannie! It was as if I had known her for years. You asked to spend some time with just me. As we sat rocking in your sun room I will never forget all the wisdom you poured into me that day. We laughed, we cried, and we laughed more. It was some of your best last hours on this earth and I reminisce back to those hours so often. As I continue to lead my Shaklee team I constantly think of YOU and try so hard to lead with love, passion, and grace as you did! Your joy was a ray of sunshine and hope to everyone you met and I am honored to be your Shaklee daughter!
I MISS YOU BEYOND WORDS! Our time together was way too short on this earth, but I look forward to the day where we do a happy dance together at the feet of our Lord and Savior! Happy 1 Year Homecoming Sweet Shaklee Mama!
Laura, I miss you – By Erica Ladden
I miss seeing your sweet smile shine from across the room. I am so grateful for the short amount of time I had with you. You were always strengthening me in my walk, speaking life over my circumstances, and just being full of love. Your heart was always good. Your laugh was contagious, and you were one of the prettiest ladies I have known. Thank you for loving me into this family so well. I love you and I know you are dancing with Jesus everyday!!!
I love my American grandma! – By Warisara Changkaew
Dear grandma,
You’re the most loving, generous, and caring person I have ever known. I still remember the first day I met you. I was really excited to see you and grandpa! You smiled at me and said, “Hi”. You also gave me a welcome hug. And then I gave you the souvenir from Thailand. I was so happy when you said you loved it! You took me to survey the house. You played piano and we sang together. We sang Amazing grace, Joy to the world and Happy birthday song. I love your singing grandma! You have such a wonderful voice.You made me so happy and joyful. I love the way you think! I love the way you acted toward grandpa.
It showed me that love is real.
I love the way you treated your son and daughter. It showed me how much you love and care for them.
I love the way you acted to me. It showed me that how much you love me. Grandma…I still keep the Christmas gift you gave me. It makes me think of you when I look at it.
Thank you so much, grandma, for always making me laugh and happy.
Thank you god for letting me know such a great person like you.?
Those special memories of you will always bring a smile. I will always remember you. You are in my heart always. I love you so much!
Your Thai niece,
Warisara Changkaew
Mommy – Your Forever Grateful Son, Chris
Where to start… It’s been an eventful year since you have been gone.
I’d like to let you know that dad and I are spending a lot more time together. I moved in with him out in Shelbyville six or so weeks ago and we are now not only father and son but roommates. This arrangement is perfect! Well, almost perfect. We both have a big piece missing from our lives which is you. I know that if I get to live a long life that nothing will ever fill the space that is me missing you.
I think that you would be proud of me. I’ve internalized the truth that we all have the choice on what we want to focus on. I daily think of you and when I get sad in these moments I make a choice of how long I want to be in that moment. I think of what you would want and if it’s a sad moment I redirect. I’m having to stay in this place a little longer right now to write this.
Right now, I’m at our sushi restaurant Kansai. I’m having a Derby Roll in your honor. I wish you were here to share this moment with me. I remember the last time I was here before you passed. I brought a Derby Roll home for you. You couldn’t eat it because of the medication. I ended up eating it.
You sure did leave some big shoes to feel. I’ve been doing my best to shine the light of gratitude that you have left in me on the world. I foresee millions of people sharing gratitude throughout the entire world because of your love. There is a huge wave of gratitude coming, it’s going wipe some of the negativity and hate out of the world. This will be happening because you chose to love me. I love you so much mom.
Your Forever Grateful Son, Chris
To Laura from Tanya Ladden
Time…. I have often thought clouds mimic time. You see them passing… silent… sometimes they rush by… sometimes they move so slowly you think they are standing still. Sometimes they are soft and billowy or full of thunder…
That is what this year has been like since you went to be with Jesus. Moments seemed to stand still, then I look back and it’s been a year!
You would be so proud of your family. In the depth of their grief, they have lived. They, each finding their path, and growing in love and understanding of each other. You are ever present… each of them are finding a strength and new missions… and I see your reflection.
I wonder, often, about what you are doing… It must be so Grand! Singing and praising the Lord, walking with Him in the Garden…enjoying those you met at the Gate….being in His continual Presence… a place where there is no time…Ahaaaa
Your legacy is rippling into a new generation, and I know God smiles….
I miss your Sister- friendship
I treasure our time.
I miss your wisdom…
Mom – Your blessed daughter, Jeannie
I am not sure if when you are in heaven if you know anything going on here!
It has been a big year without you present. But I must say your spirit is always strong around me! I praise the Lord there are no regrets between us. We lived our relationship to the fullest as mother + daughter + best friends.
I would want you to know dad and Chris have done so goo. Don’t get me wrong they have missed you every single day, but they are living with purpose and carrying your spirit.
There have been great testimonies you would be so happy and full of joy! You planted so many seeds in our lives and we are experiencing the harvest.
We celebrate your spirit and we will see you again when our assignment is done here. I know you will be the first person at heaven’s gate welcoming us in!
Your blessed daughter, Jeannie
Your legacy carries on.
A Touch of Love By Tammy Meyers
Dear Laura,
I only had the pleasure of knowing you for a few years. But, it is a time of my life I will never forget.
The way you loved life, people, health, and God blew me away every time I had the blessing of being in your presence. At a time in my life when I was deeply wracked with grief, you reminded me of how much God loved me, that He never had and never would leave my side. You spoke truth over my life, allowed God to use you to breathe HIS LIFE back into my weary spirit. You built me up, taught me to fight the enemy, and rejoiced with me at each moment of victory. You prayed for me. Laura, when I look back at this time, there is one powerful memory that always returns. I was visiting from out of town and slept in your guest room. It was early in the morning and I had just gotten up. You came into the room with your cheerful, beautiful smile and hugged me, saying good morning and how happy you were that I was there. It might sound silly, but that hug reached right into my soul and reminded me of God’s compassionate, tender love for me. You didn’t see the tears that welled up as I received the love God was giving me through you. You didn’t know the depth of comfort I felt, having just lost both parents, to feel that touch of love wrap around my sadness and warm my spirit. To you, it was just another morning of you doing what you do. But, to me, it was one of the first moments I remember FEELING GOD after having gone through such deep waters of sorrow. I will be forever grateful for your life, your beautiful spirit, and that simple yet profound hug on a cold winter morning. I love you.
Laura’s Legacy of Love By Kathi Sikich
When I think of Laura, I think of the word JOY.
Her positive attitude and outlook permeated the space around her! I am so grateful that our paths crossed 10 years ago on a cruise ship, of all places! As Laura said, “It was a ‘God thing’!” Laura was my wellness coach, business mentor, spiritual adviser, and most of all, my friend. I am a better person for having known Laura. Her life was a blessing to me and to so many others. She was a role model for living in faith, hope, and love. Her legacy of love lives on through those of us who knew her.
My loving gratitude to Laura Palmore By Karen Roach
I was so blessed to have Laura Palmore as a personal friend in my life for many years.
We met through Shaklee about 30 years ago, and talked on the phone 1-2 times/month, also seeing each other at conventions. She was truly an angel on this earth. She was one of my spiritual mentors, always calling to pray for me and sending me letters of encouragement. When she was ill the last few months of her life, she kept calling me to see how I was doing and to pray for me over the phone. I look forward to the day I reunite with her again in Heaven, and can laugh & play together for eternity. Anyone who knew Laura was blessed.
Sweet Laura By Bethany and Pete Christianson
It is really hard to imagine a year has already passed.
I (Bethany) came across some really precious videos recently on my iPhone. They were taken Christmas 2013. I believe it captures Laura in her element, singing with her powerful and beautiful voice we all love. I have no doubt she is praising The Lord with all that is in her now- especially with her God given voice. I’m really thankful for the reminder of Laura, to see her beautiful face, to hear her voice as she sings, and to see all our family together again. We hope this video brings you joy in remembering our dear Laura- her smile, her laugh, her voice, her joy and Hope! We miss her, and will forever be impacted by her beautiful life.
Sometimes People Come Into Your Life that Changes Everything! – By Elena Giacomin Dennis
Laura, you and the Caribous came into my life at such a significant time in my life and business. Your exuberance for God, Yeshua, and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life and in this world resonated whenever I spent time with you or heard you talk on our conference calls. You were a wonderful example of love, encouragement and faith. You made me a better woman and I thank you!
Sweet Shaklee grandma – By Tiffany Dennis
I remember the first time I met you, Laura! It was at Krystle’s Christmas tea a few years ago and as soon as I was introduced you took me in your arms, gave me a hug and said, “I’m you’re Grandma!”
Boy did I sure feel the grandma type of love flowing from your sweet smile and touch. It’s hard to believe that it was just a couple of years ago. Every time I saw you after that you always had the sweetest smile and open arms with kind words of hope and encouragement. I clearly remember the last time I spoke with you. It was the middle of March of last year. You called me up out of the blue because God laid me on your heart to pray for me and with me over the phone. I remember you said something to the effect of “don’t give up… God has great things for you! The devil will try to defeat you, but grab a hold of God’s promises and stand tall. God will use your story!”. I am so thankful that Jesus saw fit to place you in my life, even if for just a short time. How I wish that it would have been longer and I could have grown soo much more spiritually, emotionally, and in my business. I am also thankful that He saw fit to place Krystle in your life and also in mine. She carries on your words of wisdom to me all the time and quotes your life convictions/standards and I swear it is your voice speaking directly to me! Because of your obedience in starting a book of God’s promises to you, I have began a book of God’s promises to me as well. I know that they will carry me through times of difficulty and I know that “the shadows of the valley of death” will be just that… shadows. Thank you for the impact you have made on my life Laura and the legacy you have left behind through the people who are left here on earth to smile at the memory of you and all that you were! I am blessed to have known you, my sweet Grandma!!!
Laura Palmore, my forever friend – By Kay Sander
Today, my dear friend has been much on my mind in sweet ways.
It was a day of remembering.
Do you know how sometimes our car can be our sanctuary? Allow me to tell you a story. This morning at Bible study, a friend gifted me with a wonderful CD of the most beautiful praise music. As I listened to the first song in my sanctuary (my car), it was as if Laura was right there praising our Savior with me. It was a song I knew she would love and as I continued listening to the music, I sensed the CD was a gift from Laura through my friend on this day marking the anniversary of the Shepherd King coming to take her hand and walk her home. Then I started meditating on who Laura was….she was an exhorter and used that gift which God put in her to full tilt. She was an encourager, most compassionate,and always stopped for that person God put in front of her. I recall a conversation that our Caribou group , praying Shaklee friends, had about the legacy we hoped to leave. Laura said, “I want each person that I pass by to be better because of my having been there.” Laura, my dear sister in Christ, I believe you fulfilled that legacy and God said, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
My sister-friend By Tonya Patterson
I’ve been writing this letter in my head every day for the past couple of weeks. Getting it on paper….well, that’s a different story. How do you put into words the magnitude of gratitude you feel for someone who created an eternal legacy in your life? How do you begin to express the depth of the friendship, the tears and the laughter, shared heartaches and joys, and just knowing that at any moment if I needed you, you were always there? Even now, a year later, I still pick up my phone at times and start to call you. Your name is still there in my “favorites” list. I suppose it always will be. Oh, how I miss our conversations. There are few friends with which you can say every single conversation was meaningful. With you, my friend, that was always true. There was never a time that we talked (and that was almost daily) that you weren’t gushing with gratitude for one thing or another. Every conversation, meaningful…always uplifting and God honoring. And our adventures…..I smile just thinking about them. From Washington D.C. to San Francisco and islands in the Caribbean to everywhere in between- we have had the joy of traveling, sight-seeing, exploring and dreaming together in beautiful places across the US and beyond. And exploring together usually involved getting lost. I can’t help but laugh at all the times and all the places we managed to get lost. There were lots of detours and unplanned adventures and they are all part of what makes me smile when I think of you and you always managed to turn every single one of them into a spiritual or life lesson. Mostly, I am just so grateful for all of the love and encouragement that you poured into me all of the years of our friendship. Your friendship was such a gift from God to me, and even though you stepped into eternity long before I was ready to give you up, all that your friendship planted in me continues to blossom and grow and make me a better person. The world isn’t the same without you, but I am a far better person because of you…and I am forever grateful that God allowed me to be blessed with your friendship for more than a decade. The past year has felt like an eternity at times, but I do have the joy of knowing that one day, we’ll be taking long walks and catching up again. Until then, I will be missing you my sister-friend.
Tell Laura I Love Her – By Wally Stewart
My title is from a song that was popular when we were kids, Laura, but it is what I want to shout!

1968 Vesper Service at Lindsey Wilson College. I am on the right side of the second row-with glasses-Laura is on my right and Al is on hers. I was Al’s roommate.
I can’t remember if we ever said “I love you” to each other, but I heard you say it with my eyes every time I saw you. I’m seeing the teenager who liked to say “I’m your Momma,” as a college freshman (Interesting because I was older than you.) who became the enduring friend and ever hopeful matchmaker, the last time I visited, (at a party.) you pointed to the first woman who came through your door and said (In your excited voice.) “She’s single!” (If any of the women you had me meet had been like you not in physical beauty but in the great qualities that made you who you were-I would have gotten excited.) I’m hearing your very distinctive laugh and the joy it put in my heart. I’m hearing your wonderful singing when we were in the Lindsey Wilson College choir and remembering the fun we had in it. (I saw a video on this site of you singing at a Christmas party and did a harmony line. I wish we had gotten around to doing the duet in your church, that we sometimes talked about.)
I loved visiting you and at your Ashbury Lane house, I saw the first of two presents you gave me (With Al’s help.) that still fill me with love and such wonderful memories. Jeanie was two weeks old then in her bassinet-Chris hadn’t gotten here yet and they still call me “Uncle.” Your babies became great adults and I know you were/are very proud of them-I am also.
There are more memories than I have room to put here and they are all about the love, that you so freely gave, to anyone lucky enough to meet you. I think it is not coincidence that Laura, love and lucky all start with the same letter and I was extremely lucky to be Al’s roommate when he met you, for I would have missed out on such great joy if I had not been-I’m laughing, remembering that Al introduced me as “my roommate” for several years until you finally said “He’s not your roommate, I am! I also remember when you said “Al, all you and Wally talk about is who is getting the most bald and I don’t want to hear anymore about it! I’m putting my foot down!” That ended it except for the 40th birthday song I wrote for Al-“Yesterday When I Had Hair.” (I can hear Chris and Jeanie saying “Play the hair song” when I visited after that.) These memories are coming to me through a curtain of great sorrow, because I miss you so much and wish you were still physically on this earth, with perfect health and no pain, but the joy of knowing you can’t be blocked by that curtain and it fills me again with the love I always felt from and had/have for you. Laura and love are synonymous and I was lucky enough to experience both for a long time. I loved you from first knowing you and will as long as I have breath and memory-lucky, lucky me.
Laura – By Rocio Del Mar Rodriguez Pulido (added on 4/30/2017)
I know that my words may sound strange because although I was not fortunate enough to be able to share time with you, although I do not even speak your language, although I live many miles away, I know that I know you.
I know you through the people you loved when you were here on earth and that you continue to love and protect from the sky.
I know you through the beautiful smile of your daughter Jeannie, the warm embrace she gave me when she met me at the lake house, her kindness when she offered to lend me clothes for the cold, her kind invitation to share with her family The barbecue the night before Easter, I know how you take care of others when I see Jeannie taking care of Steve, her father, and brother.
I know you through your husband, I know your hospitality, which was the same that he gave me to allow him to stay in his house, I know your kindness through him, since every morning he wished me good morning with a beautiful smile and At night he said goodbye with a warm embrace of Chris and beautiful wishes for me, I know your concern for the welfare of others every time Mr. Al was concerned to make me feel at home, I know your generosity through him and His numerous invitations, I know your tenderness when I see Mr. Al talking to Gracie.
And I know you through your Son Chris, I know your infinite ability to give love to your loved ones through him, I know the gratitude that you always had for life and for everything that surrounds you and that inspired your child to start Your wonderful work in your name, I know the patience you had when I see your son being so patient with me, I know how loving you are when I see Chris treating me with so much affection, I know your sweetness when I see the sweetness of Chris, I feel your love when I look at Chris’s eyes full of love.
Today I was reading the blog, in which many of your loved ones wrote you and want to write you these short words, because although our paths never crossed, today I feel part of my life through the lives of your loved ones, you did the Best of the works not only with Jeannie, Al, and Chris but with all the people with whom you shared, as someone mentioned in the blog, you sowed many seeds in all, which germinate giving beautiful fruits that will last forever.